Tuesday 17 December 2013

A lesson in verses: Part Two - The stranger's pat

When the little girl got called names,
She’d run to the back of the playground and dance.
Her peculiar dance.

It was what sent smiles through her,
And it was where the world wouldn’t see,
So she did it with all her might.

Aaah! The pleasure of loneliness
Is all she could seek now, not acceptance
For her peculiar dance wasn’t quite like the others.

One day as she stood at the back alone,
Feeling particularly uninspired to do her dance
Two girls she’d only known but not quite, appeared.

They frowned at her. One said, “I like what you do”
The other asked, “Why would you stop? We all need more”
She stood stunned for this praise was unsought.

She got back on her feet
And her peculiar dance wasn’t as peculiar any more
When two pairs of feet joined her.