The moment I stepped on that celestial body
My heart waned and I knew something was wrong,
In the way that no one but I knew it was.
Victory wasn't supposed to feel this way, my mind echoed
And as I walked with my heavy suit, the thought continued
Will anyone remember me at all? Wasn't I here too?
Holding a flag I saw him ahead, and then my mind was clear,
History would not remember me. The books would erase me
from this present and from humanity’s future too.
I reprimanded my heart to feel joyous,
It was quite a thing I had managed I remind him,
He answered back "yes, but second.”
I stood still, with absolutely no noise
And in all the stillness of the silence
I heard myself say, jealously, quite loud.
And in my moment of ultimate glory
When the only thing I could think was
"someone is better than me". I sighed.
I walked to the first man on the moon,
Shook his hand, and when the hand was released
I felt a release on my heart too.
My heart waned and I knew something was wrong,
In the way that no one but I knew it was.
Victory wasn't supposed to feel this way, my mind echoed
And as I walked with my heavy suit, the thought continued
Will anyone remember me at all? Wasn't I here too?
Holding a flag I saw him ahead, and then my mind was clear,
History would not remember me. The books would erase me
from this present and from humanity’s future too.
I reprimanded my heart to feel joyous,
It was quite a thing I had managed I remind him,
He answered back "yes, but second.”
I stood still, with absolutely no noise
And in all the stillness of the silence
I heard myself say, jealously, quite loud.
And in my moment of ultimate glory
When the only thing I could think was
"someone is better than me". I sighed.
I walked to the first man on the moon,
Shook his hand, and when the hand was released
I felt a release on my heart too.